You must be at least 21 years old to buy our products and view this site. By placing an order from The LOON, you are certifying that you are at least 21 years of age. The LOON WILL NOT make any sales to minors. Our underage use prevention policy can be found below.
When you place an order on our site, you will be asked to verify your age through AgeChecker. Verification requires a valid photo ID, with the same name on it as the one listed on the shipping address. We CAN NOT and WILL NOT ship to a name that does not match the name on the ID provided. For further reading, please refer to the information provided on AgeChecker's website.
Yes. We are committed to preventing underage nicotine use, and as such take every precaution available to us to verify the authenticity of an order.
In addition to verifying each order through AgeChecker, our team manually reviews each order placed to confirm all information provided is accurate and the person receiving our products is who they say they are. We would much rather be overly cautious than not cautious enough, so any order that seems suspicious or requires further information is flagged during this process and reviewed by a specialist, who will then contact the customer and either cancel the order if it is fraudulent, or ensure that updated and sufficient information is provided if not.
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