Your order will typically be filled the day before your selected delivery date. If you are using the Shop App, it will mark your order as “Delivered” prematurely when we change the status to "Fulfilled". Rest assured your order has only been fulfilled and not delivered! |
Yes, we offer free local delivery on any orders totaling over $30.
You will receive a email notification the morning of your selected delivery date. This will give you a live ETA for your package. Our drivers will call you before arriving to your destination to ensure the person receiving the order is aware of their arrival.
Currently we are only able to fill orders and locally deliver here in Minneapolis, MN. Due to recent changes in federal regulations, we are no longer able to ship vape products. We appreciate those who have supported us. You can continue to find our products stocked in your local smoke shops. If your local shop does not carry our products, ask them to email so we can continue serving your vaping needs. |
While we try to keep our inventory on our website up-to-date and accurate with our warehouse inventory, sales, holidays, and other events can cause temporary errors in our inventory tracking. If you order an item and it ends up being out of stock, we will issue a refund for that particular item and notify you via email that it was refunded. We will still fulfill the rest of your order for you, if you ordered additional items.
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